
Worshiping as a congregation

Worshiping as a congregation

Service Time

Worship is held on Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM

Worship typically lasts about an hour.


Service will continue to be broadcast as a livestream on YouTube. There will be a section of the sanctuary that is off camera.


Worship is held in Emmaus’ main Sanctuary, located at 900 Maple Avenue, East, in Vienna, Virginia, 22180.


Masks are optional - and welcome! More information about what to expect can be found on our COVID page.

Choir members singing


Under the direction of our Music Director, Allison Shelby, we have an adult choir that leads the congregation in singing hymns throughout the service. Hymnals are provided in the pews.

We regularly have a house band, as well as periodic chimes and children’s choir offerings. We also welcome visiting community artists to provide musical offerings at worship.

Our congregation has diverse musical tastes, and this is reflected in our use of traditional worship, progressive worship, gospel, and other musical styles.

Children are welcome in worship

Children are welcome in worship

Children’s Participation & Sunday School

Children begin worship in the Sanctuary with the rest of the congregation. About 15 minutes into the service, the children gather at the front of the sanctuary for a Children’s Message.

After the message, children middle school age and below are encouraged to gather at the back of the sanctuary and wait for a teacher to walk with them to the Christian Education building.

Reverend Kristen welcoming joys and concerns

Reverend Kristen welcoming joys and concerns

Joys & Concerns

During the service, we support one another through the sharing of joys and concerns. Anyone is welcome to share during this time. Concerns are then shared through our Congregational Care Ministry.