Emmaus COVID-19 Policy
Updated: Wednesday, November 30th, 2022
Hybrid Worship at Emmaus
What can you expect if you join us for in person worship?
Masks are not required but are openly welcome; masks are available if you do not have one.
The HVAC system will be running, circulating air in the sanctuary while blending in outside air during the service.
Traditional passing of the peace with handshaking or other physical greetings can be done based on individual comfort.
Doors to the narthex and parlor will remain open.
There will be bulletins to pick up as you enter the space.
Offering plates will be passed for people to share their gifts.
Rev. Kristen and Elder Faison will greet people after worship in the Narthex with the doors to the outside open.
We will continue to offer a digital streaming option on YouTube for those who are more comfortable at home.