I’m New

Rev. Kristen McBrayer

All are welcome

Curious about Emmaus United Church of Christ? We are glad you found us!

We are a diverse, caring and inclusive community of people, bonded together by the supportive love of God. We take the life and teachings of Jesus as our primary guide, while welcoming the insights from other religious traditions. We welcome everyone, regardless of previous church experience, physical or cognitive ability, sexual orientation and identity, or any other life circumstance.

We invite you to come and see for yourself. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here at Emmaus!


When is the weekly worship service?
The community worships on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. The service usually lasts about 1 hour, and is followed by a time of fellowship with coffee and light refreshments.

What is Emmaus’ phone number?
Emmaus’ phone number is (703) 938-1555. Church Office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Where is Emmaus located?
Emmaus is located at 900 Maple Avenue, East, Vienna, Virginia, 22180.

Where can I park?
Our parking lot is large, and there are several spots reserved for visitors closest to the church building. As you come into the main parking area from Westbriar Dr, NE, the visitor spots are straight ahead.

What should I expect during the worship service?
Greeters will meet you at the door and an Usher will give you a printed bulletin. Please sit in the sanctuary wherever you will be most comfortable.

Worship generally includes singing hymns, special music from the choir, time with children, scripture readings, a sermon, offering, and prayers.


We support one another through the sharing of joys and concerns during the service, and anyone may share during this time.

On the first Sunday of the month, we typically celebrate Communion together as part of our intergenerational service. All are welcome to participate in this sacramental sharing of "wine" (grape juice) and bread (we include a gluten-free option).

Following worship, you are invited to stay for fellowship, coffee, and refreshments. This is a great time to meet the pastor and others while learning more about us.

Will I be introduced during worship?
No. We will greet you warmly before and after the service (many people who have made Emmaus their church home will testify to this), but we will not put you on the spot during worship.

Our Greeters will offer answers to your questions and invite you to register in our guest book, so we may follow-up with you after worship. You can identify the Greeters by their special name tag.

Will I be expected to give a donation during the offering in the worship service?
No. Our members support the ministries of Emmaus through their financial gifts. Visitors are always welcome to support the work of Emmaus with their financial offerings, if they wish.

What Childcare is Provided? Is there Sunday School?

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Children of all ages are always welcome in the sanctuary at any time. Often they offer the loudest praise to God.

We are pleased to offer childcare in our nursery during the worship service for children under 2. If you would prefer to take advantage of the nursery, you can register your child for the nursery online here.

Sunday School is held during the school year, with the exception of the first Sunday of the month, which is our Intergenerational Service. Visiting children are welcome to attend Sunday School, but we understand if children are more comfortable staying in the sanctuary.

What should I wear?
You are invited to come as you are to worship with us! You will find a range of attire, so please come in what makes you most comfortable. You will find people in dresses, sport coats and ties, as well as people in jeans or shorts and t-shirts.

Is Emmaus wheelchair accessible?
Yes. There are accessible parking spaces right next to the church entrance. The sanctuary, restrooms, offices, and all class and meeting rooms are on ground level. There is a variety of seating locations to meet everyone’s needs. Restrooms are wheelchair accessible.